Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Running like mad

Whew. (Or perhaps "Whee", which is what I typed first. Freud, get bent.)

So last weekend was my cousin's wedding, which explains why Monday I felt so tired. I just can't do the get-drunk-but-miraculously-avoid-a-hangover thing for three days running any more. Not without a full recovery day afterward. Especially when I'm dealing with my (really rather lovely, but still) family. I had a great time hanging out with the Mother Who Is Cooler Than I Am, my Other Male Cousin (aka the Other Black Sheep), and the City Twin Uncle. I even got out on the dance floor and shook my butt a little.

I don't think I made a jerk of myself, though there may be one or two people who might be getting that phone call because of some impolitic language. (Freud, get bent again.)

And speaking of new friends, I really like Sonoma. Sunday afternoon I spent hanging out with two new friends and their two newish kids, playing in Sonoma and just talking. It was awesome. Ice cream at the Chocolate Cow, beer tasting (yes, beer) at the Sonoma Springs Brewing Company. Dinner. Playing in the garden with an expressive but breviloquent two-year-old. Dancing to jazz with an impossibly cute four-year-old. I like these people.

Now, it's back to the grind and trying to get the practice at the point where I can make it work for me. I need some marketing help, when it boils down to it, and a few patients who will be evangelists and generate lots of referrals. And I'm trying to juggle my finances in the meantime so that I can pay people and businesses what I owe them, which is tighter (and smaller payments) than any of us would like.

Such is life.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why am I here?

So I realized that I have several friends (most notably the GoG) who have their own blogs, and I had one for a while that I used to keep folks updated while I was in China. (That one will probably get resurrected as I continue to travel internationally and check out how they do acupuncture and herbal medicine all over the world, but it doesn't seem appropriate to continue with right now.)

So this leaves a void. I feel the need to post my rants to folks from time to time, to let them know what's going on. I probably will think of my main audience as the aforementioned GoG, so there might be a lot of social stuff (both social commentary and my own social goings-on). I might delve into politics, but fighting with right-wing whackjobs gives me ulcers, so I might keep it confined to those spaces. (Okay, actually The Professor is one of the smartest conservatives I know, but I generally have serious doubts about the veracity of the facts he finds. Just as he probably has serious doubts about the veracity of the facts I find. But I rest easy in the smug, self-satisfied belief that reality has a well-known liberal bias.)

Did I mention that anyone taking themselves too seriously around here will be taken out and shot?